Marking the 50th anniversary of its iconic "Harmony" commercial, featuring a diverse group of young people singing together on an Italian hilltop that they would "like to teach the world to sing, in perfect harmony," Coca-Cola is launching  the 1971 Unity Collection, including a special, limited edition SMEG FAB refrigerator: "Unity."

1971 Unity

The SMEG 1971 Unity FAB28 Refrigerator features all of the same lines, features, and quality that have made SMEG's retro-style refrigerators famous worldwide, but clad in unique Coca-Cola-inspired artwork that embodies the spirit of inclusiveness, diversity, and optimism that the Harmony commercial is remembered for.


Each Unity fridge is a special, one-of-a-kind limited-edition item. Each product will have an official numbered plaque; to learn more details and availability, and for purchase information, please visit one of our fine retail partners.