

Smeg’s Bean-to-Cup Coffee Maker scoops a prestigious international award in recognition of its beautifully compact and thoughtful design.

Bestowed the esteemed mark of excellence at the annual GOOD DESIGN® Awards for its exceptional design attributes, our latest Bean-to-Cup Coffee Machine proves without a doubt that good looks don’t have to take a back seat when it comes to exceptional functionality and quality.

Apart from combining a grinder, espresso maker and milk frother into one device, this compact beauty is plenty powerful and packs a punch in clever design and technology. From its intuitive one-touch menu that grinds and brews your coffee in seconds, to its sophisticated heating system for speedy warm-up and precise temperature control, a sizeable hopper and water tank and of course, its beautifully integrated steam wand for all those milky classics – this machine does it all.

Presented by The Chicago Athenaeum Museum of Architecture and Design and Metropolitan Arts, the annual GOOD DESIGN® Awards honours for the most innovative and cutting-edge industrial, product, and graphic designs produced around the world. For more than seven decades since its inception, this programme continues to create a revived awareness about contemporary design and to honour both products and industry leaders in design and manufacturing that have chartered new directions and pushed the envelope for competitive products in the world marketplace. Every year, designers and manufactures in about 50 nations are honoured for their singular achievements in producing hallmarks of contemporary design.