
Scam Alert

Online shopping scams are skyrocketing! Don't be the next victim. Arm yourself with knowledge, stay savvy and stay safe!

Don’t get Burnt: Protect Yourself from Online Scammers!

Online shopping scams, featuring fraudulent websites peddling everything from our Smeg products to other sought-after brands, are rampant and increasing at an alarming rate. Stay alert and always exercise extreme caution before clicking that ”Pay Now" button.


The scary truth is that cybercriminals are becoming increasingly cunning and devious with elaborate fake shopping websites and social media traps luring unsuspecting shoppers with all sorts of enticing offers and deals. We all love a good bargain, but as the saying goes, if it seems too good to be true, it probably is.

Picture this: Scammers are building sophisticated fraudulent websites designed to mimic legitimate online retailers, right down to the last detail. They even go the extra mile and complete these sites with shopping categories, product pages, carts, and all the checkout processes you’re used to! From using official brand names, images, and even registered trademarks without a second thought, these scammers are becoming highly adept and, are putting in overtime to do it.

It doesn’t stop there. These crafty criminals are also taking to social media, bombarding platforms like Facebook and Instagram with enticing ‘sponsored’ ads that look like the real deal. Clicking on these ads doesn't lead you to an authorized retailer; instead, it's a one-way ticket to the scam site. Once there, users can browse, add items to their cart, and enter payment and personal data.

The catch? No products will ever show up at your doorstep. As payments clear, so do the scammers. But the aftermath is more sinister – not only do they pocket your hard-earned money, but they're also harvesting all your data. Credit card details? Yep, they're nabbing those too. Don't be surprised either if your email ends up on their phishing hit list.

Staying informed and understanding these scam tactics is key to protecting yourself online. Stay informed and exercise extreme caution, no matter how tempting the offer! Always do your homework to verify the legitimacy of the store before placing an order online.

Look out for red flags like suddenly new or unfamiliar retail websites, suspicious URL’s and redirects, questionable payment options and of course, unbelievable price tags. If it seems too good to be true, it probably is.

Click here to read about more about tell-tale warning signs to look out for.

When in doubt, stick to authorized Smeg stores only. A list of our current retail partners is available below. If ever you're unsure of any other stores, use our store locator to find a store near you or give us a call at 011 463 1016 or 011 656 0025 to double check before you hit that ‘Pay now’ button!

Have you encountered a potential scam? Report it to your bank and the relevant authorities. And don't keep it to yourself – shout it from the virtual rooftops on social media and in community groups. Be sure to report any suspicious activity to Facebook immediately. Your vigilance isn't just self-preservation; it's a service to your fellow shoppers.

Stay informed, stay vigilant and spread the word with family and friends!