
Smeg Service and Repairs

Every so often one of your Smeg appliances might need a little extra TLC or maintenance. When this happens, we urge you to book a service call through the Smeg Service department directly.

Every so often one of your Smeg appliances might need a little extra TLC or maintenance. When this happens, we urge you to book a service call through the Smeg Service department directly.

Please be aware that while conducting internet searches, certain companies, not affiliated with Smeg may pay for advertising and consequently appear at the top of Google results. It is advisable not to always choose the first option on Google, as these results may not necessarily be associated with Smeg or the specific service you are seeking, potentially leading to unauthorized or fraudulent sources.

Please always contact Smeg directly through one of the below options.
Smeg website: Log a service call 
Call: JHB: 011 656 0025 / KZN: 031 566 2770 / CPT: 021 418 9934
Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

Reasons for booking a service call directly with Smeg.

1. Expertise and Specialized Knowledge:
Smeg's authorised service technicians are trained and have specialized knowledge on Smeg products. When you book directly, you are more likely to get a service professional who is well-versed in the intricacies of Smeg appliances, increasing the likelihood of a successful and accurate repair.

2. Genuine Spare Parts:
Booking a service call directly with Smeg ensures that genuine and authentic spare parts will be used in any repairs or replacements. This is crucial for maintaining the quality and longevity of your appliance.

3. Warranty Validation:
if your appliance is still under warranty, booking a service call directly with Smeg helps in validating and utilizing the warranty coverage. this ensures that you receive the benefits of the warranty, such as free repairs or replacements for eligible issues.

4. Timely and Efficient Service:
Smeg's official service team has a streamlined process for handling service calls, ensuring that your issues are addressed promptly and professionally.

5. Direct Communication Channels:
Booking directly provides you with direct communication channels with Smeg's customer support or service team. This can be beneficial for future communication, follow-ups, or if you encounter any issues.

6. Documentation and Record-keeping:
Booking through the official channels helps in maintaining proper documentation and records of the service provided. This documentation can be useful for future reference, especially if you need to refer to previous service history or if issues persist.