Here you will find a complete guide on how to use the Espresso Coffee Machine ECF02 covering everything from startup to routine maintenance, ensuring the finest results.

Find out how to best use your espresso machine: Installation, Machine Settings and Descaling.


Learn how to make the perfect coffee, from selecting the right filter to choosing your preferred espresso function.


To set the different parameters from the settings menu, press and hold the button  for 5 seconds then select the desired setting:

Button 1 – grinding key for single Espressocoffee temperature (low, medium, high)

Button 4 – dispensing key for double Espressowater hardness (soft, medium, hard) 

standby time (10 min, 30 min, 1 hour)

Follow the video to customize and save the settings.


The ECF02 Coffee Machine will alert you with a light signal when it requires maintenance. Descaling is an important step to preserve the purity of flavours.

Follow the simple steps in the video to thoroughly clean the circuits and continue enjoying your perfect coffee.