How to best use your Bean To Cup

If you bought a Smeg Bean To Cup BCC coffee machine, preparing your favorite coffee-based beverages is quick and simple. This user guide will give you tips for all steps, from how to switch on the machine to its’ periodic maintenance, to always ensure the best results in the cup. Find out how to best use your automatic coffee machine in the sections - Installation, Drinks, Cleaning and Descaling.


Making your favorite beverage with the Bean To Cup BCC01 or BCC02 is quick and easy. Simply fill the tank with fresh water and adjust the grinder settings. Then add coffee beans and position your cup – you can adjust the dispenser to the right height.

Finally, select your preferred coffee based beverage from the white or orange menu, and then enjoy!


The control panel allows you to select, with a single touch, up to 8 drinks: from Ristretto coffee to Espresso, or the more international Americano.

Discover all the functions by choosing the machine that's right for you.



Maintenance has never been easier. Your automatic coffee machine will guide you through the periodic cleaning and descaling procedures so that it always continues to work at maximum performance. Just a few simple steps to coffee that always tastes delicious.


To ensure the best results, a periodic cleaning is recommended.

Follow the simple cleaning steps in the video to ensure optimal performance.

It is advisable to carry out the cleaning operations with the machine turned on.


When action is required, the relevant icon will illuminate on the control panel in a simple but intuitive way. The video will take you through the different alarms featured on the machine.


Starting the descaling process is simple thanks to the light signal, located on the control panel, which activates once descaling is required. These simple descaling steps are all illustrated in the video.

For more tips and useful information about your Bean to Cup coffee machine visit FAQ page.